Your project with a touch of pixel design
Unique and responsive design with a set of
magnificent mechanics. Let Pixlign take care
of outshining your digital project!


Websites created by Pixlign have the ability to be flexible, a.k.a. responsive. Meaning that the website will adjust to the device you visit it on! Curious what it can do for you? Try this website on different devices!


Websites created by Pixlign have an entirely unique design! Your website will not have a standard web-template but instead a complete 'adjusted to your desires' design!


Pixlign offers a set of fancy navigation options! You can decide how visitors can navigate on the website! Single page? 'Free world'? Arrow keys, Parallax.. and more! You decide!


Pixlign offers you multiple services which can comply with your desires. For example, have a look at our;


Let's start with a wireframe. What are wireframes? A wireframe is basically the skeleton of your design. Wireframes determine the placement of content like chunks of text and images on the page. Pixlign will draw these wireframes to give a visual idea of the final design.
Step 1.
Gather the illustrations, shapes & forms, and the chunks of text you want to have on the website
Step 2.
Draw the initial design idea in wireframes
Step 3.
Realize the wireframes into completely designed pages and give color to your website

Project diversity

Pixlign offers websites for a diversity of projects. Do you desire to exhibit yourself or your work, Pixlign will offer you a unique portfolio website. Whether it is a commercial product, portfolio, work representative website or anything else, Pixlign will take care of it.

Custom content

What makes a website even more fun to maintain is to have the power to adjust images, colors and text of your website. Pixlign offers you to do so. With a unique 'built to your website' content management system you can control what you want on your website. What you change adjusts to the design!


What happens if the website is down or the is design broken? Pixlign offers to continously maintain your website. We will immediately look into the problem and will address you about the status. Nothing is worse than having a dead Pixlign!



So.. what about it?

Ready to exhibit your project on the webs and want your website to represent that something you have created? Or are you just looking for more information what Pixlign has to offer you? Drop us a message in this form and we will contact you as soon as possible!