Blue Technowledge

The term Blue of this life business activity relates to Blue Economy; an ultimate aim that a Blue Economy business model will shift society from scarcity to abundance. The term technowledge combines the development of technologies through newly obtained knowledge.

Our mission is to create comprehensive, innovative solutions for pressing environmental problems. We aim for our product to be practical, sustainable and life improving. Using our product makes life flourish. For example, the yields in agriculture and livestock are higher and of a better nutritive value, while there is less need of pesticides and herbicides. It also allows for substantive cost reductions in real estate and commercial establishments, as maintenance costs drop down dramatically.
We believe we have succeeded in doing so with our first device, our product.

Our product

The our product is able to restore all city waters to natural spring water quality, thereby creating revitalized water that has multiple beneficial properties, which reduce costs and enhance health.

It is a water revitalization device that changes the structure of water by transmitting specific frequency patterns to it. The charged information causes water to resonate at a specific frequency, which results in dead tap water (degenero-active water) being converted into vivid, vibrant, life regenerating water (regenero-active water).

Our product has been successfully applied in several types of agriculture (e.g. corn, grain, plants), livestock (e.g. cows, pigs, chickens) and commercial establishments (e.g. hotels and appartments).


Application of our product in agriculture leads to:

Reduction of required water, required fertilizer, insects on plants and fungi

Increase of yield, volume/size of crop, storage life, nutrients in vegetables and fruit


Application of our product in livestock leads to:

Reduction of manure smell and of veterinarian costs, while increasing the livestock’s resistance to diseases

Better digestion of food and longer and healthier lives of animals

Higher yield in terms of quantity and quality (e.g. longer lasting milk and eggs)

Real estate

What does our product mean for real estate

Commercial establishments like hotels, restaurants, spas, car washes, laundries and housing blocks will benefit from the healthy effects of the use of our product water while the maintenance and cleaning costs will drop drastically.

The devices for our future industries are still under development.

Soil cleansing

our product for ponds, lakes and rivers

Sea water desalinisation

“Have you always wanted to grow your plants to reach their highest potentional?”

Read stories of customers who are using our product

On February 2013 Kurt and Sheri purchased a our product water conditioner, at the lowest point of body condition of the dairy herd.
Using the water tube unit have noticed that their beef is of superior quality when compared to beef from neighbouring farms that do not use the water tube unit.
The farmer told us the cost of the water unit was covered after the first week of use. AMAZING!

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