Aloha, it's Stanley!
nice to meet you! I am
Let me tell you something about myself :)
nice to meet you! I am
a full stack developer that spends most of his time on localhost
mainly focused on web development and web related subjects, especially web apps
a graduate of the class of 2015 at the University of Applied Sciences - Amsterdam
mostly working on web apps, with Speakuni as my main focus
working on developing myself and my skills on a daily basis
very committed and dedicated to the goals I set to myself
coding on a daily basis, with 5+ years of experience on the web
using this corner on the web to display my coding skills, projects and experience
a rookie 'musician' that regularly attempts playing the guitar and piano
also acknowledgeable of things I can improve on, for instance;
I would say I am
one who dislikes leaving tasks unfinished, prefers to complete a task before moving to the next
one who has a tendency to over-perfectionize tasks
one who is no stranger of having brainfarts every now and then
one who doesn't mind to tell you the wrongs and the rights
all for best practices, but I'm not a stranger of dirty hacks
also acknowledgeable of things im certainly not good at, for instance;
I'll admit that I am
terrible at terminology
self taught, which may collide with main stream working ethics
writing code like there's no tomorrow, which sometimes leaves code to be overlooked
not the smartest tool in the shed
Stanley, that means;
In a nutshell I am
eager to learn
improving myself on a daily basis
always up for a challenge
welcoming of feedback and constructive critisizm
one who can easily adapt to a new coding style/language
a hard worker
dedicated to my work
an independent and self-sufficient worker
admitting to my wrongs
always proving myself I can do things
passionate of the things I do
an avid lover of retro stuff
an ambitious full stack developer with a solid thrive to build on the web
always making sure I get the job done, by whatever means or however long it may take me
Tools & skills that have gathered dust
About my coding skills
Let me tell you about the tools and programming languages I use..
Tools I use on a daily basis
I'm making use of Angular on a daily basis as I use the framework for most of my web apps. Speakuni for example has endured several versions (from v2 up to v14) of Angular. Im very well so acquinted with the use and techniques of Angular and enjoy it very much
6+ years
of experience with extensive usage in most projects
I mainly use PHP for REST APIs that connect to databases and as the brain or backbone of my web projects. Lately I have started using the Symfony framework for certain projects, to have a better understanding of PHP frameworks in general and to further expand my PHP skills as well. There is a stigma that PHP is a bad language, however I am under the impression that as long as you follow organized coding structures like OOP, it's a perfectly fine language to use.
7+ years
of experience with extensive usage in most projects
2~ years
of experience with Symfony
As a web developer CSS is key. I use CSS on a daily basis and make use of media-queries, keyframes and started to incorporate Flex designs too. I am a conventional coder and like to continue using what I am familiar with, so most of my web projects don't make use of flex yet.
7+ years
of experience with extensive usage in most projects
3+ years
of experience with SCSS (SASS)
Just like CSS, as a web developer I make daily use of HTML. Started with plain HTML, started working with dynamic HTML via Javascript and jQuery and finally adapted to using Angular & React in HTML.
7+ years
of experience with extensive usage in most projects
Ever since I started with Angular I got introduced to Typescript as well. Typescript, to me, is a much appreciated structured way of coding "Javascript".
5+ years
of experience
NoSQL (MongoDb)
On University we were mainly taught SQL, once I heard about NoSQL I became interested and quickly turned to look at NoSQL databases. In particular MongoDB, which I use for all of my projects.
5+ years
of experience with extensive usage in most projects
Tools I use regularly
Early 2023, I was content with the tools I used in my current projects as they reached a stable state. This opened a new opportunity for me to get my hands on another coding style. As I will continue my career in web development I'd only make sense to learn one of the most popular libraries.
3~ months
of experience
Python (Flask)
Just like I was content in my skill of Angular and introduced myself to React, I was content in my skill of PHP too and added Python to my arsenal. I'm already adapted to the syntax of Python and rarely find difficulties in usage as it is a more dumbed down coding language. Like PHP, do I mainly use Python for REST APIs.
3~ months
of experience
Avid user of Javascript during the early days of my web career and still make use of it regularly. This website, for example, is completely written in Pure Javascript.
7+ years
of experience
Adobe Illustrator
Any and all of my designs are made in Adobe Illustrator, not the best at it but have no trouble navigating my way through it.
Tools & skills that have gathered dust
Aside from Pure Javascript, did I use jQuery a lot early on. Currently not making use of it anymore, but wouldn't take long to shake of the dust and get the gears grinding again.
2~ years
of experience
Main language during my years on University, have used it for software and web development. It's been a long time since I've used this but still believe it's a clean and easy-to-get-into language.
2+ years
of experience
Can write simple queries and complex queries if I spend more time on it, though I am mostly using NoSQL at the moment, it wouldn't be difficult to get back into SQL.
2+ years
of experience
Adobe Photoshop
Before Adobe Illustrator was Photoshop (& GIMP) my go to illustration editor. That was until I figured out Photoshop designs don't scale well, so I made the shift to Adobe Illustrator and now ever so often use Photoshop.
During my years on university I quickly got drawn to websites and webdesign. So I began to build a portfolio website with little to no knowledge about anything related to web techniques. Throughout the years I have been working on my coding skills and made several projects. Not all projects are listed but the ones to follow show my thought process, and skill at the time, for each respective project.

Take a walk with me through some of my publicized projects over the last couple years :)

The journey begins..
The journey begins..
Stanley v1.0
Stanley v1.0, formerly gone by the name of Lanthoney.com, was my first footprint on the internet. To me a little gem, to others not much of a meaning. A portfolio where I supposedly wanted to showcase my projects. An example of perfectly imperfect and rightfully critized during my first interview for an internship.
techniques used
(Pure) Javascript
Thought process
I remember being very fond about a certain aesthetic which was an island-y and oldskoolish vibe. The colors were meant to visualize the darker / ground colors you would find on an island, being brown and the different shades of sand. The website made use of some basic Javascript animations to make it look cooler (CSS3 wasn't really a thing for me yet). As for the content, there wasn't any yet (aside from some school projects we weren't allowed to publicize) - therefore it became a page with effects and colors.
Code name
Code name
Stanley v1.0
Stanley v1.0
aka Lanthoney.com
aka Lanthoney.com
circa 2014
circa 2014
Did you know..
The very first time I touched HTML was on Highschool during the "IT" class. In that class we mainly were taught how to properly use Microsoft software like Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Access.
The first client I made a website for was Bluetechnowledge. Bluetechnowledge was a company that offered an installment of their product that improved your water filtering system using crystals. For their website I made use of my responsive CSS library, build a CMS in PHP and implemented a full-page web experience. You were able to navigate (sub) pages using the arrow keys programmed with Javascript.
techniques used
(Pure) Javascript
PHP (Laravel)
Thought process
Bluetechnowledge was all about natural products and improving health and quality of life-duration. Naturally, I decided to use natural colors like white, green, blue in different shades. Meanwhile, I build a functional arrow keys navigation system in Javascript to improve on my programming skills. After my markup I sat together with the client to ensure I matched their vision for their website, they were intrigued by this navigation system and wanted to use it on their website.
Code name
Code name
circa 2016
circa 2016
Did you know..
On university I got to work with Bootstrap for a responsive CSS, this library intrigued me so much that I wanted to understand how it worked behind the curtains. So I started working on my own responsive library. Now, all my web-sites/apps make use of my own "library"!
Speakuni v1.0
Aside from my daily thrive to improve on my programming languages I wanted to improve on my communicational languages too. It was at this time that I started to take Indonesian language lessons. It lasted for two months until my teacher got ill and the lessons had to end. A passionate project arose from that unfortunate event, which is called Speakuni.
It began as a small idea that quickly turned into a passion of mine - where ideas began to grow bigger and bigger. Initially with this project I wanted to give my teacher the ability upload the courses online, so that I could continue practising the language. However, while learning Angular v2, my skills developed and so did the scope of this project.
At first the project started with pure JS & jQuery, but I came to realize that it was a lot of writing for realizing bigger ideas. That's when Angular came in to play. The project continued using the Angular framework onwards. It was at this point that I knew what I wanted to do in my future, build my own apps. Developing Speakuni became my main focus. It was at this point I came in contact with a person whom I would eventually collaborate with.
techniques used
Angular v2
Thought process
Admittedly, I am not the best designer, and while I did develop my programming skills, my design skills were still slacking. Speakuni had to engage multiple target audiences, so it couldn't be too much of this or too much of that, it had to have the right balance of design that was pleasant for any visitor - regardless of age. A nice balance was found by choosing mellow natural colors like different shades of blue and green.
Code name
Code name
Speakuni v1.0
Speakuni v1.0
circa 2018-'19
circa 2018-'19
Did you know..
On university they didn't teach us HTML, CSS or Javascript. We mainly focused on Java applications. I started developing these web skills during my internships, external school projects and by the use of articles & videos found on the internet!
Stanley v2.0
As I grew as a person, developed my programming skills over time and projects arose, I found it the perfect time to update and redesign my portfolio. With newly learned techniques and skills Stanley v2.0 began to take shape. My interest lay in single page websites, so I adopted that style to my portfolio. Stanley v2.0 was the first place where I exhibited my projects publicly.
techniques used
(Pure) Javascript
Thought process
Single page websites were a thing at that time, so I wanted my portfolio to have that style too. I began to make my portfolio more personal, with lowkey back images of my hobbies and interests, while also adapting to a clean design. Still wasn't a good designer but I learned the skill of masking it better. Clean colors like white and shades of blue while contrasting those with a darker tone was the preference at the theme.
Code name
Code name
Stanley v2.0
Stanley v2.0
aka Lanthoney.com
aka Lanthoney.com
circa 18
circa 18
Did you know..
After graduating from university I floated around with ideas of what I wanted to do next. After working at a small IT business and completing an internship at a Tech Giant, I wanted to experience what it would be like to work for myself..
As ideas were flowing, Speakuni was growing and future plans were made, I started to prepare for a small IT business. Pixelign, formerly went by the name of Pixlign, was going to be my own company and I started to build a website for it. Pixelign would have mainly focused on company projects with generic web host and building as a side.
I am in no way associated with the current live iteration of pixelign.com - they took the domain when I forgot to extend
As stated previously, the current live version of pixelign.com is not created or associated with me. Pixelign.com has been online under my name, however due to my own mistake of not extending in time - I failed to retain the domain name.
techniques used
(Pure) Javascript
Thought process
I gained inspiration from bees how they build their bee-hives so systematically. An organized structure of hexagons connected like building blocks that could expand to infinity. In a way I found it to have a connection to the way we build digitally - using pixels. The bee-hive structure became my point of reference for Pixelign and so the colors were decided. Different shades of yellow, orange and red applied to different elements that respected the hexagon shape.
Code name
Code name
aka Pixlign.com
aka Pixlign.com
circa 2019
circa 2019
Did you know..
On highschool in "IT" class it was the first time I touched anything related to coding. We had to work with the software called Alice Coding, I hated it.. To be frank, I didn't want to become a programmer because of it.
Speakuni v2.0
After finding my way around with Angular v2..v3..4..5..6 and collaborating with said person, it was time to enter Speakuni's first alpha test. We held this test with a closed selection of trusted peers and gathered as much feedback as possible. The results from all the feedback was incredible, we gained so much information and directions that ultimately led the way to the current version of Speakuni. We wanted it to be a web-app.
Although the alpha version of Speakuni was somewhat stable, we made the decision to completely overhaul the UX and UXD. We decided to make Speakuni more app-y and less website-y. We wanted to distinguish Speakuni from a generic learn a language website.
Maybe you have found out by now, but I am a person who, when drawn to something interesting, spends a lot of energy figuring the ins- and outs of said subjects. I like to go out of my way to understand how certain things are the way they are. That includes server hosting as well. I wanted to host my own server, understand how ubuntu works, understand command prompts so that I could use them confidently.
Preface to our database getting hacked and wiped from all the data that we gathered during our alpha test. Luckily our database wasn't filled to the brim yet, but it did include our one-time copy of our test courses & data. This, however, made me re-adjust to a new way of handling certain things time onwards.
techniques used
Angular v2/3/4/5/6
Thought process
Speakuni had to be a web-app, not a website disguised in certain style choices to make it look like a web-app. We introduced a few new colors to the scheme, decided on the look and feel of components and paved our way to today's Speakuni.
Code name
Code name
Speakuni v2.0
Speakuni v2.0
circa 2019-'20
circa 2019-'20
Did you know..
Lanthoney, the name my online portfolio formerly went by, is actually a combination of my real name. I was mad proud of this mashup.. untill someone pointed out that my online alias was L' Ant Honey.
Speakuni (aka v3.0)
Speakuni had become my fulltime occupation. Speakuni gets to see the day of light. After a complete overhaul of Speakuni v2.0, Speakuni finally enters the public beta phase. A milestone is reached and the future plans of the younger me can advance to the next stage. A complete redesign, overhaul on UX and web representation, I can proudly say Speakuni is a web-app. A lot of nifty new features are added and a lot of QoL changes are implemented.
Speakuni is officially public and open for visitors to come by. It is still in a test phase, but it resides in a solid and stable state. Speakuni now also has a preregistration page, a homepage, multiple social media platforms, a fully fletched overhaul on course creation and a completely new learning experience.
techniques used
Angular v6 ...v14
Thought process
Speakuni's missing characteristics have now been added. Speakuni was missing an introduction, an identity. Speakuni now has a living homepage, that makes use of new web techniques and animations, which serves as an introduction. We stayed true to its core and gave it a crisp and clean looking design while maintaining a playful character. The homepage and the web-app have implemented the adjusted color scheme.
Code name
Code name
Anno 2022
Anno 2022
Did you know..
Speakuni was supposedly to be a small project only to be used by my peer and Indonesian teacher. It's a perfect example of how creativity can kinda get out of hand if not halted by boundaries..
Aloha Shaka
At Aloha Shaka we focus on building creative projects derived from personal interests. Aloha Shaka embodies the art of not stressing too much and to not overcomplicate the way of life. A playground for our creativity where several projects may see the light of day. And Speakuni being our primary focus.
techniques used
Python (Flask)
Thought process
Aloha is the famous Hawaiian vocal greeting, Shaka (🤙🏽) is the handsign that often is used with the greeting. Shaka is also often used in correlation to "Hang loose", meaning that one should take it easy - and flow with the water. As noticeable, the company is inspired a lot by the Hawaiian way of living, which decided the use of colors that represent it. As well does it reflect a token of appreciation for different retro decades, that established the choice of art style.
Code name
Code name
Aloha Shaka
Aloha Shaka
anno 2023
anno 2023
Did you know..
It would have been so much easier if I made this portfolio using a library or framework, but instead I wanted to challenge my Pure Javascript skills.
AlohaCMS is a content management system that is used to perform CRUD events for its related parent project. It is a portal that allows access and modification of data for specific stages like deployment or development.
techniques used
Angular v14
Thought process
Since AlohaCMS is related to a parent project, it may change in color depending on the theme of its parent project. AlohaCMS adheres a clean and easy to understand UI, it is fully responsive and gained inspiration of the Discord UI/UX.
Code name
Code name
circa 2023
circa 2023